Credit cards are like a knife, when used correctly they can be very useful to every day life, but if used incorrectly or without care the outcomes can be very bad. Credit cards when used right are a incredibly assets to anyone but there are very stick rules to need ti follow in order to avoid the pit of debt and payments credit cards can bring. Some good things credit cards can bring in the ability to buy a house, without and credit card you cannot get the Mortgage required to afford a house. They are also us full for the little things, say you don't get payed till the 15th but you need food to eat till then (Say its the 10th). A credit card can grant you the ability to buy your food for the next 5 days, but you must remember to pay off the credit card after every month. This is where the dark side of credit cards shows up. When you don't fully pay off you credit card every month or if you late on credit card payments, the bank will charge you interest. These interest rates the bank charge can range anywhere from 15% to 25%/30%! So that $100 night out that you know you couldn't afford but you put on your credit card could now cost you $115 to $130 just because you didn't pay the bill on time. Over all, credit cards when used for convince and that can always be payed off are amazing to have. But that the same time they can send a reckless spender into massive amounts of debt.
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